ID 1415309
Service Type youtube
Data 5aLEpUZxZbQ
Theater (Owner, if any) Pool Theater
Title Donald Trump Fan Fiction : Orange Is the New White House
Duration (H:M:S) 00:03:15
Request Time 05/20/16 04:33:25
Requester thephoenix562 (STEAM_0:0:87639721)
Video was Removed (Bool, Type of Removal, Who Removed) True, Force-Skip @ 01:36, thephoenix562 (STEAM_0:0:87639721)
Video Has Played True
Players Present at the end of the Video MsTechnoKitty (STEAM_0:1:70249319), The Nickonator (STEAM_0:1:82794552), RoyalKing (STEAM_0:0:103619134), Vanilla TurbiePlz (STEAM_0:1:33768392), Sanji (STEAM_0:0:55632782), thephoenix562 (STEAM_0:0:87639721)