ID 1221993
Service Type youtube
Data 265ttQlvOiY
Theater (Owner, if any) Theater 2
Title Badman Torro Torro Remix 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Duration (H:M:S) 01:30:37
Request Time 01/18/16 15:40:06
Requester NeoShadowX4 (STEAM_0:0:144135425)
Video was Removed (Bool, Type of Removal, Who Removed) True, Force-Skip @ 54:25, BraVe (STEAM_0:1:53424207)
Video Has Played True
Players Present at the end of the Video NeoShadowX4 (STEAM_0:0:144135425), Keero_Orphen (STEAM_0:0:61526994), BraVe (STEAM_0:1:53424207), Who Is Mojo? (STEAM_0:1:60426380)