ID 3264275
Service Type youtube
Data YfhnfXoM9Ns
Theater (Owner, if any) Theater 1
Title Versailles - The Nocturne of Love and Sorrow (Destiny Live DVD)
Duration (H:M:S) 00:05:23
Request Time 01/23/21 21:58:47
Requester Fuun (STEAM_0:0:228491902)
Video was Removed (Bool, Type of Removal, Who Removed) True, Force-Skip @ 02:42, Fuun (STEAM_0:0:228491902)
Video Has Played True
Players Present at the end of the Video Yeh (STEAM_0:1:14070962), Ìky (STEAM_0:1:59631854), Fuun (STEAM_0:0:228491902)