ID 2740108
Service Type youtube
Data W1SUNTlaNKw
Theater (Owner, if any) Mecha Theater
Title Gunga Ginga Memes | Elpresador Meme Compilation
Duration (H:M:S) 00:02:51
Request Time 12/18/19 19:39:07
Requester Phenix (STEAM_0:0:173029128)
Video was Removed (Bool, Type of Removal, Who Removed) False
Video Has Played True
Players Present at the end of the Video Fisna (STEAM_0:0:40827693), Lilly (STEAM_0:0:22587569), Lucy Heartfilia (STEAM_0:0:198787287), Magic Bullets (STEAM_0:1:33878748), Spunky Bong (STEAM_0:1:78804579), SleepyStealthy (STEAM_0:0:40313987), Yeh (STEAM_0:1:14070962), Neptune (STEAM_0:1:223525790), Yohane (STEAM_0:0:43021815), Nahkauf (STEAM_0:1:21455092), Krabu (STEAM_0:1:68778682), Phenix (STEAM_0:0:173029128), Technae (STEAM_0:0:26053222)