ID 2526528
Service Type youtube
Data rBbogX5FI8w
Theater (Owner, if any) Main Theater
Title Shaggy creates the universe and then destroys it
Duration (H:M:S) 00:02:21
Request Time 03/21/19 01:06:04
Requester !Maku 疲れた (STEAM_0:1:219620353)
Video was Removed (Bool, Type of Removal, Who Removed) False
Video Has Played True
Players Present at the end of the Video keru (STEAM_0:0:113700017), JoshK (STEAM_0:1:67935153), Crackerjacks (STEAM_0:0:64444477), Neet Jutsu (STEAM_0:0:89579137), !Maku 疲れた (STEAM_0:1:219620353)